Northview Bank offers loans that are specific to purchasing an existing business as well as loans for starting a new business. Financing solutions from Northview Bank can be used to finance an entity only or the entity with all the real estate and equipment involved with it.
Purchase or Start a Business with Northview Bank
Northview Bank offers loans that are specific to purchasing an existing business as well as loans for starting a new business. Financing solutions from Northview Bank can be used to finance the entity only (such as an insurance agency that rents its offices) or the entity and all the real estate and equipment involved with it (such as a manufacturing plant, a retail store or an apartment complex).
A Better Solution for Business Loans
Business loans can allow for a short, interest-only payment period at the beginning of the loan (such as 6-12 months). This will allow the new business owner to understand the cash flow of the business and how much working capital he or she needs before larger loan payments are due.
Another way that Northview Bank is making business financing easier for business owners.
Northview Bank also works with the Small Business Administration, certified business development companies and regional economic development entities throughout our markets, helping our customers find the best financing options and often saving them considerable funds.