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What percentage of a down payment is required for the various loan types available?

When it comes to loans and mortgages, there is no “one size fits all” answer when it comes to the down payment required. It varies greatly depending on the type of loan or mortgage you are seeking. Some mortgages may require as little as 0% down, while others can require up to 25%. Ultimately, the amount of your down payment will depend on the type of loan you seek and the specific program and conditions associated with it. It is important to thoroughly research your options before committing to a particular loan or mortgage in order to ensure that you understand what kind of down payment will be necessary. Taking some time upfront can save you a lot of frustration later.




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Fish Ruler & Info Packet

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Northview Bank wants to measure up your memories, and provide you with a complimentary fish ruler. Just click below and we’ll send you a fish ruler, and a vacation property packet.

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Game License Holder & Info Packet

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Northview Bank wants to provide you with a complimentary game license holder for your hunting season. Please fill out the information below and we’ll send your game license holder and information packet.

Game License Holder & Packet

2026 Calendar Photo Contest

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Enter photos that capture the character of the areas we do business in! If your photo is selected for inclusion in the 2026 calendar, you will receive photo credit in the calendar.

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